mercoledì 22 ottobre 2014



Communicate to all those who follow me on,,, Facebook fan page and contact Salvatore Di Pasqua Twitter Salvatore Di Pasqua that on 10/21/2014 I resigned from the 5 Stars Movement and Meetups local and regional Tuscany and Sicily. 
No further communication will follow this release unless the latest updates of my posts on pages created in my Social Networks and Blogs dated before 10/21/2014. 

Florence, 22 October 2014

Di Pasqua Salvatore

sabato 12 luglio 2014

their vs Their

When a beautiful girl comes up to me,
the first thing that comes to my mind is no longer the fear of not knowing what to do, being stuck and hadn't even the desire to take risks,
but ask myself the question of why my beautiful girl I've always ripped from my hands,
and why I often find myself having to comply with these challenges,
out of Time, out of Place and out of Space.

lunedì 7 luglio 2014

Mati, le nom

Wednesday I leave for Sicily. Now you can. 
Now you're free to go back, 
at least till September. Now you can. 
Don't be Afraid
I won't be there. Now you can.

martedì 1 luglio 2014


 So I don't see you again?
You just had to get into my dreams, to break my work?
Before a face, then a name, and now nothing more?
Soon I leave, you really wanna give me a summer full of emptiness? You too?

The other night I thought, tonight I wrote it.
I thought of you, I swear!

lunedì 30 giugno 2014

And the Lily pierced my heart

I have the residence for a year,
I bought the house a fortnight,
ripped me off the bike a week ago.
I can call myself a Florentine in all respects with the hoha hola (Coke)

martedì 24 giugno 2014

June 25, 2009 - June 25, 2014

Week of tribute to Michael Jackson

When I was six years old and I fell in love for the first time,
I felt like a child feels the first time he feels a strong emotion,
such as happy scared.
The last time I fell in love,
I felt like a child for the first time feels a strong emotion,
such as happy scared.
Don't even try to get this off my Emotions feel.
I will not allow it!
And if you try to make me such emotions, you will be You,
don't try the same. Give it up to You, not my Emotions.

domenica 22 giugno 2014

June 25, 2009 - June 25, 2014

Week tribute to Michael Jackson


Highway infamous

I saw in his eyes, reading his mind, sometimes in silence,
the fear of my genius, and the confirmation that it existed.
I heard, in the People that I loved, a charm that
gradually became upset, anxiety, anguish.
The closer they came to me, unless it was the charm.
Less was the distance that separated us, the more we
fear away.
And while they felt fear. I, more and more disgust for
something that separates me from the Peace.

venerdì 20 giugno 2014

Never betray yourself

In September,
I had promised to concentrate on learning and politics.
In May,
a month before the examination, I made the mistake
of betraying the promise that I had made, and now in
my head, I have everything except for Goethe and

giovedì 19 giugno 2014


Letter  to Antonietta
I don't need to estimate, 
nor glory, nor of other similar things; 
but I need love 

Giacomo Leopardi 

and if necessarily she'll be French, 
so be it. 
But I won't be in France before 
ten years. 

Salvatore Di Pasqua

Lettera all'Antonietta
Io non ho bisogno di stima,
né di gloria, né di altre cose simili;
ma ho bisogno d'amore

Giacomo Leopardi

e se dev'essere per forza francese,
così sia.
Ma non sarò in Francia prima di
dieci anni.

Salvatore Di Pasqua

(I) S(ee) - (I) H(ear) - (I) S(peak)

If this was Mine, would have no value.
So let's say Roberto Saviano, who's my source.
I hope at least that you believe in him:

Wont be hated good and generous 
because ordinarily are sincere, and 
call things by their names. 
Blame not forgiven by the human race, 
which never hates those it hurts so much, nor the 
evil itself, as those who appointed him.

Giacomo Leopardi

Sogliono essere odiatissimi i buoni e i generosi
perché ordinariamente sono sinceri, e
chiamano le cose coi loro nomi.
Colpa non perdonata dal genere umano, il
quale non odia mai tanto chi fa male, né il
male stesso, quanto chi lo nomina. 

Giacomo Leopardi

martedì 17 giugno 2014

No tengo armas

Hoy en día, para ella, me sentí carne trémula.
Yo estaba desarmado.

A usted, la búsqueda de la traducción

venerdì 6 giugno 2014

mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

You know it. The night alive, the day I only have eyes open

I don't know what I'd give just to see you again. But only you revise,
others don't care.
An You at a time is what it's worth more than the other, at times only.
You know that I'd live to this day with you to go away,
because it's the night that Sings to the Poets.
Woman know this, I've to live the night. The day only eyes open.
But today, I don't know what I'd give just to see you again.

lunedì 26 maggio 2014

Instead of sleeping, poised, and among the many false Gods

Imagine that I have a nice car, a fifteen kilograms less.
Imagine that I'm a political or cultural importance.
None of all those who knew me before I have a nice car, a dozen,
a dozen, but even five kilograms less; none of all those who knew
me before I have all this, would rise on my nice car, with me and
my fifteen, ten, or five kilograms less, to an important place where
I am politically or culturally important.
It 's true, in life there's always time to make better choices, but if a
person is Best, you feel inside, it Breathes.
It feels and breathes only when you've it in front, eye to eye.
And if today, where the Virtual exceeds the Real, we can create for
ourselves a strangely perceptive picture of who's on the other side
of the virtual, it's true that more and, then, seeing is Believing, and
believing is confirmation of Being.
Don't forget, however, that we're talking about Imagine that I have.

Poised between many and false Gods.

sabato 24 maggio 2014

giovedì 15 maggio 2014

Hands away from your eyes softened

Only lose, always lose.
The Distant and Nearby, Destinations.
Feeling oppressed by the Other
because it is forbidden to complain
oppression of others.
A torment with the beginning and
never end.

mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

Instinctivity always She
She's in the air
air you are,
you like air into a vein are
and you kill me.

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

Y5S University

Y(outh) 5 S(tar) University

Thursday, April 10, 2014
17:00 to 19:00
Piazza Brunelleschi, Florence

It is important to be present in the universities, we leave the office and let us know

giovedì 3 aprile 2014

mercoledì 2 aprile 2014

Fifth Parallel Commission for Education, Training, Culture and Heritage

The M5S Grosseto hosts the Workgroup (WG) itinerant "Fifth Parallel Commission for Education, Training, Culture and Heritage."

The meeting will be held on Sunday, April 13th, from 10.00 in place to define in Grosseto (this meetup will be announced in the next few hours) at no cost.

For those who arrive by train is scheduled shuttle from the train station to the meeting point (calling to book Matteo Della Negra at 347 539 6445).
EVENT DETAILS (Italian version)

domenica 30 marzo 2014

One step forward, one step back. One step back, one step forward. Die. And go ahead.

One step forward,
one step back.
One step back,
one step forward.
And go ahead.

This Life tells you that you can do whatever you want.
It isn't true.
This Life tells you that you cannot do anything.
It isn't true.
This Life, throws you to the ground, you rise again,
gives you the illusion that the worst is over, you
thrown back to the ground and kill you.
This is true.
Then you die inside, it's a minor detail for This Life.

One step forward,
one step back.
One step back,
one step forward.
And go ahead.

giovedì 20 marzo 2014

Girls don't ask for anything. Because nothing I can be derived.

In September I had two exams required for February and the highest commitment to the M5S and
this was it.
The two tests, since yesterday, have been overcome, the commitment to the MoVement was constant. Of course, I miss not being able to celebrate with my loved one,
but I don't miss not having a loved one today because if in the last six months I tried to look for it,
I wouldn't certainly pass two examinations in sixteen days and a period so heavy all 'inside of the Five Stars MoVement Florence-Tuscany.
Since yesterday, another trip

domenica 16 marzo 2014

I don't want no woman beside me.
I've never been undecided.
If I want something, I want it.
If I don't want something, don't want it.
That Process has been accomplished.
I don't want no woman beside me. 

mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

It is not my fault if I find joy in melancholy.
It 'a condition of life, is the condition of my life.
I'm in this way for 16 years.
Only if there's a spark,
otherwise it is.

sabato 8 marzo 2014

I have dreams of crystal fabric too brave and fragile.
I continue to live these dreams,
I don't stop,
because beyond the horizon, there will also be for me

giovedì 6 marzo 2014

The Sack of Florence

Sack of Rome  (It 's just a stupid play on words of a stupid Player of words)

Here's what I think of Florence Meetups that willy-nilly is the Five Stars MoVement in Florence.
(read the story Florentine if you haven't liver, if you have it, don't do it or lose it MoVimento 5stelle-Firenze-Meetup/events Italian - Version)


[...] The European are with the administrative, end of May, or at most a month later. After Joke of the election of Spokesperson, for GO, after the Joke of the primaries, let's go to the nth Joke of European. How do they keep bass tones with this "leadership" that has misdirected M5S Florence, was voted out in part as organizer and always partially confirmed for the primaries (or Comunarie, call it what you want). Usually if people go wrong in their task , volunteers or not, it isn't reconfirmed twice. Spokesman and Organizer are not small boss. Everyone is a spokesman and organizer of itself, these two roles have made ​​up his mind to these people to say and do what they want, I'm referring more to the organizer that the spokesman. You have been elected by more than a month and here are the results, and then nothing was useful if done by the group program and who brought something for a job (Antonio Di Rosa, Peter Trisciuoglio, Michela ).. I was talking about the elections Program since April 2013. Maria Luisa Cappelli, that always, wherever and however you attacked not considering the sensitivity of the individual activist, has done the same thing in September. We moved in mid-October. It's clear that all those who were elected organizer, and they thought and wanted to be strong candidates for automatic Comunarie. Take your responsibility. Try to be M5S once. Not just to say it in words, or back (because I, I'm sorry but I do not give up!!) To be 29 as before Grillo would send the Authorization to talk about nominations, where we went back to being more than 80. I wonder why?
I've been here a year, I've never seen transparency, never seen public interest, ever humble, ever union, I only heard these words before doing anything else. And the war, post-election, is obvious.
Elections; Ratification; Ratification of ratification, but we are all idiots?

domenica 2 marzo 2014

venerdì 28 febbraio 2014

es la historia de un amor, un amor prohibido. 
prohibidas por que puro 
en un mundo que no vive en la pureza.

is the story of a love, a forbidden love.
prohibited because pure
in a world, that doesn't live in purity.

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

To the lawyers of lost causes and the dreamers of dreams lost

When I walk down the street and it's raining, I avoidance, I move and scratch umbrella
on the walls. If I did so, I risk out the eyes of someone.
They don't move, walk straight on the road as if it were their own, as if the world was
When I walk down the street and it doesn't rain, I avoidance, I move, sometimes
I get off the sidewalk.
They don't move, walk straight on the road as if it were their own, as if the world
was theirs.
I walk down the Street, I avoidance, I move, I slow down my path, I let go of the
road and the masters of the world. I let go of the ego distracted.
After arrival, but arrival. Always.

To all those who want to change the world,
to all lawyers of lost causes,
to all the dreamers of dreams lost.

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

E 'l naufragar m'è amaro in questa valle (And the wreck me is bitter in this valley)

I was in the middle of a huge star for three whole days.
Then, a part of my heart continued to beat,
but for nearly two years has ceased to beat.
Now, there isn't one that can. Maybe..

domenica 23 febbraio 2014

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014


Keep in mind one thing: 
I don't care anything about what you think about me. 
I write for me, not for you.

The Work must go on

Two examinations in sixteen days. 
And in the midst of so much Five Stars MoVement
the Work must go on, but.. 

martedì 18 febbraio 2014

A living flesh

Tell me,
what is stay away,
in silence, watching, 
My Passion, who dies in a corner and ... 

Your absence filled with another empty?

Le Joueur de mots

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2014

Joke Versus Violent.. Love, Someone Develop Project

Once I miss you 
because I can't replace you in my present, 
once I don't miss you 
because I find someone to move my attention to themselves 
once I reread my words for you 
and my heart breaks. Mi piaci tu, February 8, 2012. 
Once I close my thoughts 
to pretend to have forgotten. 
One day I'll forget really, 
but I'll never forget all these really lost. 
And therefore, I won't forget. 
You, her, them. All of them. No.

Joke Versus Violent.. Love, Someone Develop Project

To friends gay and transgender

 Before you were a potato,
you're now a zucchini.
You are always vegetables.

giovedì 6 febbraio 2014

Of heart in drops scattered

I promised you that one day 
when I would not be nothing to you and you would not have been anything for me 
I would continue to love you. 
That's it.

giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

For administrative Florence I will vote NO Five Stars Movement

January 21, 2014

It's fair to say to those who follow this blog but also to those who by chance he're to read me, who made ​​this decision.

I'm Activist-Active since March 2013, in Florence because the simple definition of activist isn't enough. It takes two pair;
I'm one of the five editors of the First Part of the Political Program for Administrative Florence 2014/2019, and although in October, I'd have hoped to complete all the way, I've not the slightest intention of doing so;
I'm a Politician who decided from the outset of its proximity to the official M5S that he'd never vote anyone who wasn't himself, see post of 03/19/2013, Administrative excluded, since I'm in Florence recently more than a year.

Why do so by announcing my intention, it'll be difficult to accuse me of wanting to autocandidare for administrative and impossible that the hypothesis put forward in the meetup, you can find my name among the three names to choose from for the selected candidates within the meetup Florentine among whom I esteem, wasting unnecessary votes.

Place I know how it was created the first part of the program and that I'll have the knowledge of how to build the second and /or final part,
Given that I've the experience needed to know the value of these future candidates of Florence, knowing them well, having seen them as mere activists,
place that people I trust, including myself, will not have some of the space between the candidates,
place that even when a single person than I trust to reach the goal of the application would be in the minority compared to those truly worthy of the nomination, and worthy I mean, from a moral point of view, of competence, of past political,
I decided that,


This doesn't mean that I'll vote other parties/movements. I will do nothing card, thus preventing someone to fill his choice, which is very likely in this horrible Italy.
More on this post will be provided when appropriate. Today, it's necessary to make this choice. Clear, clean, but understand, especially Aware.

Posted at 23:57