giovedì 19 giugno 2014

(I) S(ee) - (I) H(ear) - (I) S(peak)

If this was Mine, would have no value.
So let's say Roberto Saviano, who's my source.
I hope at least that you believe in him:

Wont be hated good and generous 
because ordinarily are sincere, and 
call things by their names. 
Blame not forgiven by the human race, 
which never hates those it hurts so much, nor the 
evil itself, as those who appointed him.

Giacomo Leopardi

Sogliono essere odiatissimi i buoni e i generosi
perché ordinariamente sono sinceri, e
chiamano le cose coi loro nomi.
Colpa non perdonata dal genere umano, il
quale non odia mai tanto chi fa male, né il
male stesso, quanto chi lo nomina. 

Giacomo Leopardi

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