lunedì 30 giugno 2014

And the Lily pierced my heart

I have the residence for a year,
I bought the house a fortnight,
ripped me off the bike a week ago.
I can call myself a Florentine in all respects with the hoha hola (Coke)

martedì 24 giugno 2014

June 25, 2009 - June 25, 2014

Week of tribute to Michael Jackson

When I was six years old and I fell in love for the first time,
I felt like a child feels the first time he feels a strong emotion,
such as happy scared.
The last time I fell in love,
I felt like a child for the first time feels a strong emotion,
such as happy scared.
Don't even try to get this off my Emotions feel.
I will not allow it!
And if you try to make me such emotions, you will be You,
don't try the same. Give it up to You, not my Emotions.

domenica 22 giugno 2014

June 25, 2009 - June 25, 2014

Week tribute to Michael Jackson


Highway infamous

I saw in his eyes, reading his mind, sometimes in silence,
the fear of my genius, and the confirmation that it existed.
I heard, in the People that I loved, a charm that
gradually became upset, anxiety, anguish.
The closer they came to me, unless it was the charm.
Less was the distance that separated us, the more we
fear away.
And while they felt fear. I, more and more disgust for
something that separates me from the Peace.

venerdì 20 giugno 2014

Never betray yourself

In September,
I had promised to concentrate on learning and politics.
In May,
a month before the examination, I made the mistake
of betraying the promise that I had made, and now in
my head, I have everything except for Goethe and

giovedì 19 giugno 2014


Letter  to Antonietta
I don't need to estimate, 
nor glory, nor of other similar things; 
but I need love 

Giacomo Leopardi 

and if necessarily she'll be French, 
so be it. 
But I won't be in France before 
ten years. 

Salvatore Di Pasqua

Lettera all'Antonietta
Io non ho bisogno di stima,
né di gloria, né di altre cose simili;
ma ho bisogno d'amore

Giacomo Leopardi

e se dev'essere per forza francese,
così sia.
Ma non sarò in Francia prima di
dieci anni.

Salvatore Di Pasqua

(I) S(ee) - (I) H(ear) - (I) S(peak)

If this was Mine, would have no value.
So let's say Roberto Saviano, who's my source.
I hope at least that you believe in him:

Wont be hated good and generous 
because ordinarily are sincere, and 
call things by their names. 
Blame not forgiven by the human race, 
which never hates those it hurts so much, nor the 
evil itself, as those who appointed him.

Giacomo Leopardi

Sogliono essere odiatissimi i buoni e i generosi
perché ordinariamente sono sinceri, e
chiamano le cose coi loro nomi.
Colpa non perdonata dal genere umano, il
quale non odia mai tanto chi fa male, né il
male stesso, quanto chi lo nomina. 

Giacomo Leopardi

martedì 17 giugno 2014

No tengo armas

Hoy en día, para ella, me sentí carne trémula.
Yo estaba desarmado.

A usted, la búsqueda de la traducción

venerdì 6 giugno 2014