giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

For administrative Florence I will vote NO Five Stars Movement

January 21, 2014

It's fair to say to those who follow this blog but also to those who by chance he're to read me, who made ​​this decision.

I'm Activist-Active since March 2013, in Florence because the simple definition of activist isn't enough. It takes two pair;
I'm one of the five editors of the First Part of the Political Program for Administrative Florence 2014/2019, and although in October, I'd have hoped to complete all the way, I've not the slightest intention of doing so;
I'm a Politician who decided from the outset of its proximity to the official M5S that he'd never vote anyone who wasn't himself, see post of 03/19/2013, Administrative excluded, since I'm in Florence recently more than a year.

Why do so by announcing my intention, it'll be difficult to accuse me of wanting to autocandidare for administrative and impossible that the hypothesis put forward in the meetup, you can find my name among the three names to choose from for the selected candidates within the meetup Florentine among whom I esteem, wasting unnecessary votes.

Place I know how it was created the first part of the program and that I'll have the knowledge of how to build the second and /or final part,
Given that I've the experience needed to know the value of these future candidates of Florence, knowing them well, having seen them as mere activists,
place that people I trust, including myself, will not have some of the space between the candidates,
place that even when a single person than I trust to reach the goal of the application would be in the minority compared to those truly worthy of the nomination, and worthy I mean, from a moral point of view, of competence, of past political,
I decided that,


This doesn't mean that I'll vote other parties/movements. I will do nothing card, thus preventing someone to fill his choice, which is very likely in this horrible Italy.
More on this post will be provided when appropriate. Today, it's necessary to make this choice. Clear, clean, but understand, especially Aware.

Posted at 23:57