mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Better if you call tomorrow

I wanted to write when I got it, metaphilosophically speaking would have been very
attractive, but I don't remember.
Anyway, it strikes me every time with the same intensity as see the sincerity,
honesty, kindness, they do fear and give you almost a monster in the eyes of the
rest of humanity addicted from falsehood, dishonesty and wickedness. I don't
know yet what is the fair world, but I chose what part of the worldI want to be.

lunedì 25 novembre 2013


No matter how good you can do,
at the end
they'll hate you

When I'm under pressure, the world around me
is committed  to increasing the pressure on him.
For example, in this period where I'm helping
a dream called Five Star Movement Florence.
I'm not interested.
I don't care anymore.
I've lost too many Loves for being influenced by those who
crosses my path for a day, a month or a year.
I don't care anymore.
I go straight to my way, even alone. Only for me
really care about are ready to stop and wait.
It doesn't matter if the person that is close to my heart has the
known for a year, a month or a few days.
For the rest, The Show must go on.

venerdì 22 novembre 2013

In defense of a Sign 1 : Five Star Movement

In M5S there are convicted of tax evasion == > PDL , Silvio Berlusconi

In M5S there are no politicians who take money from the lobby of the Slot Machine ==> Enrico Letta (actually, Italian Premier Council of Ministers)

In M5S there are no people convicted Camorra == > PDL , Nicola Cosentino

In M5S there are no people that is proposed as Renewal anti Casta and he invites to its conference the General Staff that devastated Italy and the opportunism that is in favor ==> PD, Matteo Renzi

In M5S there are people who say : << [ ...] is not right , I know ... poor son [...] >> on a freshly charged and arrested for aggravated accounting fraud and insider trading . ==> Anna Maria Cancellieri (actually, Italian Minister of Justice).

In M5S there are people who say : << I have the latest ARPAs survey data on emissions of dioxins and furans in Taranto : we are at 0.2 nano- grams per square meter. I'd like to remind everyone that in 2005 Ilva spat into the atmosphere up to 10 nano- grams of poisons. This finding is remarkable , it is one of the best practices that have occurred in Europe >> . Laugh or questions on tumors of reporter Emilio Riva. ==> SEL , Nichi Vendola (actually, President of the Puglia Region, Italy).

1) I do six points because I try to make even number.
2 ) I stop at six because I have to translate in English and French.

giovedì 14 novembre 2013

The Social

Sell ​​Facebook was easy,
sell virtual gossip isn't the idea of the century. But they told us so.
How do you sell Justice?
Who would buy it?
And if you were offered free, it would be even more disgusting. Admit it!

lunedì 11 novembre 2013


We're like two parallel lines and that I understood it.
But don't think that I'll wait for it.. to Infinity!!
Whoever you are.

sabato 9 novembre 2013

Two nights ago, it was midnight,
I opened my eyes and I thought, I don't miss you anymore.
I was about to turn on the computer and write it but then
I didn't.
That night I dreamed of Venice, the stretch of lagoon that
has the bridge in the background, and in the dream I
thought of you.
A few hours earlier I had said to myself, that I don't miss
you more. And then, I have never been to Venice ...

It's true, I don't miss you more, no longer you fail. Is
someone beside that I'm missing. Someone who follow
me, believe me, someone who love me.
In this world, however, who would ever want a player of words?

It is not always the clarity that I'm describing.

venerdì 8 novembre 2013